Friday, October 9, 2009

Yea....I remember when we sat there under dha liqht. . . .

Yea. . . . dha liqht
I remember we were accustomed to dha fluorescent liqhtinq of her soul leadinq us both astray to fountain 'sz ohf youth seminar 'sz and bunk bed based affection, with an affliction for conflicted war 'sz in which we both lead armie 'sz of pharoah 'sz, kinq 'sz and a few select whore 'sz from a beautiful brothel in our imaqination. iMiss dhat one niqht we hunq out inside your mom 'sz eyelid 'sz, us bathinq in dha star 'sz in which her pupil 'sz dilated so much in term 'sz of dha moral deficiency dhat mhy 6 earrinq 'sz displayed and her conceivin dha "My little girl is too young to..." speech she would wield with this shield of black horsed self-riqhteousness, which made us both lauqh. I remember we sat on top of a moonlit tonque rinq, so everytime our lip 'sz would imprenate each other 'sz mind 'sz, we would imbue(bathe] in each other 'sz mental water and had dha nerve to try and cleanse our soul 'sz wihd id, id was beautfil but so aqonizinq to watch yhue try &+ drink ihd after. Baby, iStill remember yhue beinq mhy everythinq &+ dhen none, i remember yhue beinq mhy sunliqht when ihd was an abortion on dhat particular liqhtbulb or dha shelter to mhy broken heart until dha foreclosure was closed before 4 and we would be evicted as we were in love. Baby, iLuhv yhuer way. . . . still. ! ihd never chanqed, even dhoe there was a dime piece for every quarter of dha yr which ihf i had a nickel for every penny pinhin person who penned pain throuqh yhuer physical vessel, iWould be dha wishinq well in which yhue wished us both well. ,. . . . but, left because yhuer mother 'sz eyelid 'sz eventually qrew dry and our moonliqht had eventually qrown dim. . . &+ as for dhat sunliqht. ? yea. . .. 9 month 'sz later ihd was born. . . . we called him a New Day.

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