Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Nun 'sz &+ AK-47'sz"

Time goes by, puffin dont lie, hoping that it get me by, got a nigga goin crazy. . . . ihd 'sz easier to eliminate a question instead of qettin dha answer, easy to smoke dha ciq 'sz, but difficult to cure dha cancer. Tonque kiss wihd dha bowel 'sz ohv death, tryna s***t on life, ihd 'sz unlike me to be constipated constantly from hype. So many broken infatuation ';sz, screamin fuhk dha world but fanatic 'sz ohv masturbation qrown uhp in starvation. iHear a man 'sz hunqer throuqh dha speaker 'sz in dha studio, everytime i write i paint picture 'sz ohv younq funeral 'sz, like. Ihm not weird, i just rather be left in solitary emotion 'sz, when ihm open to those who promote hopelessness, ihm promised nothin but commotion. I mean, sometime 'sz mhy feelinq 'sz aint felt until ihm revealed as a kid who intake 'sz pill 'sz to appear as ihf he 'sz not appealed. As i lay on top ohf mhy mattress &+ associate 'sz keep actin, i keep reactin to her action 'sz as ihf ihd 'sz normal or even averaqe, naw. Most day 'sz i wanna liqht a few ciqarette 'sz, chill, let dha nicotine rotate in between mhy throat and neck, 4reel. She constantly put 'sz uhp wihd mhy shenaniqan ';sz, mhy biqqest concern abt dha duo is dhat at a time she can 't handle him. Yo, lunatic 'sz are mhy friendship 'sz which replicate mhy benefit 'sz asz a psychotic imaqe in which ihm iqnorant or mhy intelliqence is so limited. People tell me to leave ihd.. . i tell ehm i can 't depart it, i qrown impartial to dha people who im used to bein a star wihd. Money, clothe 'sz &+ women was dha intiative, niqqa 'sz wanted dha incentive 'sz as i was pretendin to be pretentious. Mhy biq bro whippin in those jet black benz 'sz as he was half aware ohv mhy infertile sickness which had dha potential to fuhkin kill me. Understand, ihd used to seem ohff but mhy paranoia was stronq, ihm dha niqqa to keep triqqer 'sz around God. Tryna pray for patience as ihf ihm a doctor anticipatin a few client 'sz in dha clinic wihd diseases dhey cant cure yet. We can 't assist dha sick but dha benefit ohv even talkin to em is knowin dhat we robbin ehm ohv hope and dhey check 'sz. Mhy breath alone was mhy motivation to pop prescription 'sz on some ostentatious shid, lookin throuqh qlass maze 'sz wihd a blindfold, reminiscin. I dont even fuhkin know no more, ihm not confused, mhy past keep mhy mental enslaved ihf not abused or better yet so brusied dhat dha future had no clue. Ihm presently subdued to undo what i wont do, no mood to even pen pain but dha pain has pinned me to some interview 'sz. Question 'sz on a survey board, please forqive me, these question 'sz really offend me and considerably they 're all killin me. Ihm lookin over dha present problem 'sz i aint even solved yet, phone been on for year 'sz &&+ God aint even called yet. He blowin uhp dha horn, mhy niqqa tell me to pick uhp, AT&+T a b***h ihd 'sz a fourth ohv why i qive uhp. iKnow mhy wifey need me, i insure her assurance, ihd 'sz a recurrinq situation when i speak to her niqhtly. Used to be dha niqqa who was quiet like a violin in dha midst ohc dha riot, out ohv dha war, didn 't think she 'd like me. Cryin over thinq 'sz like if she was ever anqered,. dha beauty ohv what we create would be endanqered. Ihm feelin like a familiar stranqer in a world full of statistic 'sz &+ ihm tryna break dha mold but dha stone is all liquid. But man, i wanna try &+ keep qoin, keep movin, keep travelin throuqh foreiqn beauty &+ find dha uqly truth surely. Some say dha wronq thinq, but i will never knoe, but iJust want us happy, am i wronq. ?

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