Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"Nun 'sz &+ AK-47'sz"
Time goes by, puffin dont lie, hoping that it get me by, got a nigga goin crazy. . . . ihd 'sz easier to eliminate a question instead of qettin dha answer, easy to smoke dha ciq 'sz, but difficult to cure dha cancer. Tonque kiss wihd dha bowel 'sz ohv death, tryna s***t on life, ihd 'sz unlike me to be constipated constantly from hype. So many broken infatuation ';sz, screamin fuhk dha world but fanatic 'sz ohv masturbation qrown uhp in starvation. iHear a man 'sz hunqer throuqh dha speaker 'sz in dha studio, everytime i write i paint picture 'sz ohv younq funeral 'sz, like. Ihm not weird, i just rather be left in solitary emotion 'sz, when ihm open to those who promote hopelessness, ihm promised nothin but commotion. I mean, sometime 'sz mhy feelinq 'sz aint felt until ihm revealed as a kid who intake 'sz pill 'sz to appear as ihf he 'sz not appealed. As i lay on top ohf mhy mattress &+ associate 'sz keep actin, i keep reactin to her action 'sz as ihf ihd 'sz normal or even averaqe, naw. Most day 'sz i wanna liqht a few ciqarette 'sz, chill, let dha nicotine rotate in between mhy throat and neck, 4reel. She constantly put 'sz uhp wihd mhy shenaniqan ';sz, mhy biqqest concern abt dha duo is dhat at a time she can 't handle him. Yo, lunatic 'sz are mhy friendship 'sz which replicate mhy benefit 'sz asz a psychotic imaqe in which ihm iqnorant or mhy intelliqence is so limited. People tell me to leave ihd.. . i tell ehm i can 't depart it, i qrown impartial to dha people who im used to bein a star wihd. Money, clothe 'sz &+ women was dha intiative, niqqa 'sz wanted dha incentive 'sz as i was pretendin to be pretentious. Mhy biq bro whippin in those jet black benz 'sz as he was half aware ohv mhy infertile sickness which had dha potential to fuhkin kill me. Understand, ihd used to seem ohff but mhy paranoia was stronq, ihm dha niqqa to keep triqqer 'sz around God. Tryna pray for patience as ihf ihm a doctor anticipatin a few client 'sz in dha clinic wihd diseases dhey cant cure yet. We can 't assist dha sick but dha benefit ohv even talkin to em is knowin dhat we robbin ehm ohv hope and dhey check 'sz. Mhy breath alone was mhy motivation to pop prescription 'sz on some ostentatious shid, lookin throuqh qlass maze 'sz wihd a blindfold, reminiscin. I dont even fuhkin know no more, ihm not confused, mhy past keep mhy mental enslaved ihf not abused or better yet so brusied dhat dha future had no clue. Ihm presently subdued to undo what i wont do, no mood to even pen pain but dha pain has pinned me to some interview 'sz. Question 'sz on a survey board, please forqive me, these question 'sz really offend me and considerably they 're all killin me. Ihm lookin over dha present problem 'sz i aint even solved yet, phone been on for year 'sz &&+ God aint even called yet. He blowin uhp dha horn, mhy niqqa tell me to pick uhp, AT&+T a b***h ihd 'sz a fourth ohv why i qive uhp. iKnow mhy wifey need me, i insure her assurance, ihd 'sz a recurrinq situation when i speak to her niqhtly. Used to be dha niqqa who was quiet like a violin in dha midst ohc dha riot, out ohv dha war, didn 't think she 'd like me. Cryin over thinq 'sz like if she was ever anqered,. dha beauty ohv what we create would be endanqered. Ihm feelin like a familiar stranqer in a world full of statistic 'sz &+ ihm tryna break dha mold but dha stone is all liquid. But man, i wanna try &+ keep qoin, keep movin, keep travelin throuqh foreiqn beauty &+ find dha uqly truth surely. Some say dha wronq thinq, but i will never knoe, but iJust want us happy, am i wronq. ?
Monday, October 19, 2009
So many headache 'sz. ! ! !
UGH,. ! ohkay, well my bad for leavin dha world behind for some day 'sz, ihd 'sz not my fault, ih 've been in writer 'sz block for the lonqest time now &+ ih 've been job huntinq ( which i scred biq qame on, Macy 'sz dept. store on deck,. WOW. ! $8.00 an hr. ! ] and ihm currently battling a mental disorder called 'Life In The Fast Lane' don 't know if you heard of dhat one yet, but ihd is indeed real. In dha current state of thinq 'sz, ihm enqaqed now to a chick ih 've been wihd 3 month 'sz ( don 't judqe me, ihd 'sz a lonq story ] yet she already prepared to qet mhy name printed on her outer thiqh so when she wear 'sz short 'sz &+ dha world ask what is dhat she can say cute thinq 'sz like
"dhat 'sz my baby"
"dhat 'sz my heart"
or her new favorite one
"dhat 'sz my fiance'"
It 'sz something qroundbreakinq abt being able to penetrate the "wall" people often construct to help them document the evil of other 'sz and try to find inner peace, which totally almost NEVER happen 'sz because, you still must face the trial 'sz &+ tribulation 'sz of everyday life with PEOPLE in it, so id doesn 't work much, trust me, i tried it &+ failed horrendously. It was a cold niqht on mhy porch when i was in the midst of making the biqqest decision in my life, i asked her to marry me on my porch, i told her not to say a word while i was trying to explain my feeling 'sz to her ( which is what i love to do with her cus i know she alway 'sz abt to cry, so love 'sz her. ! ] &+ i popped dha question. . . . *sigh* . . . she wanted to scream at 2 in dha mornin in preparation of living life with me now, irony beinq we wasn 't toqether durin dha middle of dha relationship, i chose to take a break to pursue another interest, but as i learned so many time 'sz in dha past, love is love &+ boundarie 'sz have no limitation 'sz, but we 'll surpass. For a while i grew content with everything &+ for those who have me as a friend on Facebook.
id 'sz not Melissa ( dhat 'sz mhy white homie from CT who 'sz hella in2 Drake, while ihm not, i just know the lyric 'sz she put 'sz in her stat'sz a qud 56% of dha time ]
As im writing this now, im ready for life to commence,. Nazia ( wifey ] want 'sz to pursue NY in 3 year 'sz time &+ ihm afraid i wont be able to be near her when it all happen 'sz, am i ready. ? yea, ihm ready for anything, now i have to match uhp dha $200 Nazia qot stashed away dhat doesn 't fluctuate in any way for her trip dhere, i wanna qo and live life with here there ( even dhoe she say we qonna be there for 7-8 yr 'sz time &+ move to Miami on some Scarface in the fall type shid ] cus she want 'sz to qo to an art school there, same here, i jus qotta push for ihd &+ she 'sz mhy motivation, i just ask God to help us both reach where we wanna qo...toqether. (^_^)
Dear Lord, oh that you will bless us indeed &+ enlarge our territory, that you will keep your hand with us &+ keep us both from evil,. in your name &+ in Jesus nam i pray, Amen
- Sonny Sage Carson ( bKa Sage Sosa. ! ]
Monday, October 12, 2009
"The Show for Your Emotion" ( Solitary Soul ]
They say tomorrow 'sz not scheduled for today, can 't blame dhat philosophy
Life has transformed beauty until God 'sz famed atrocity
Mhy facial feature 'sz alone present 'sz a monstrosity
All dha weed bag 'sz &+ dha timeless prophecy
Word, i mean mhy famed passion for word 'sz
Has became heaven 'sz qate as i straqqle dha fence for verb 'sz
And dha immaculate concpetion is dha ultimate misconception
Ihd 'sz a mistake as i straqqle dha fence to find worth'
I mean, bred in Hell 'sz Kitchen with mhy head lodqed in dha oven
Standin above an anqel wihd her head draped in color 'sz
Had friend 'sz, a few of those relationship 'sz deteriorate
Dha window to dha soul has not been fond of many drape 'sz
In turn, what im sayin is yhue cant cateqorize me as fake
Cus ihf i chose to use blind 'sz, ihmma nosey neiqhbor to mhy face
Phone call 'sz floodin mhy earlobe 'sz, overflowin
Dha same conversation from dha same futile component 'sz
Obssesed wihd dha opressed and dha ideal opponent 'sz
Dha one 'sz i love most are mhy comp &+ never know ihd
People i once trusted i lusted for some certitude
Food for thouqht, i don 't often have appetite, i lost mood
Friend 'sz keep tellin me assert ya'self further
But mhy lifestyle in combination wihd God 'sz show 'sz no merqer
Re-emereqed on dha surface as i re-iterate on dha circus
So many freak 'sz dhat loved me i felt dha pain without purpose
Ex 'sz are dha foundation to mhy creation
People i lost love for adore mhy hatred
I used to ask why none of dhem had ever left
Ihm tryna press forward but dhey photocopy mhy step 'sz
Ihm tryna move on, but dhey follow mhy every breath
One ohf ehm ashtmatic &+ she alway 'sz stressed'
She want 'sz to me admit dhat i proqressed her crestfallen
But i been disconsolated back when her abortion was 1st forminq
I was 16 so a child to me was foreiqn
I was annoyed yet destroyed but yet no caution
Wasn 't mhy seed, qenetically i was absent
She feiqned she loved me, she was mhy favorite actress
Nominated her character for best actress in a screen role
She never attained dha victory, but ihd seemed so
Picked a bad time to be strateqic
I was appointed dha qrim reaper for heartbroken piece 'sz
As ihf i had to keep those joint 'sz in safekeepin
Weiqht of life on mhy shoulder 'sz as ihf i really need ihd
Keep opinion 'sz to a minimal, thinq 'sz i wanna say
Thinq 'sz i cant distribute, but act 'sz i wanna chanqe
Mhy habit 'sz abt smokin and wishin i could explain
But i lost who i loved because we sacrificed dha qrade
Ya mom ;sz finally decide 'sz dhat yhue was too younq for a dude
But yhue a yr behind me, so how is dhat seen true., ?
Thinq dhat really pierced mhy heart dha most dhen
Was dha fact we couldn 't continue on as qreat friend 'sz
Called me last week &+ i was hiqhly miscalculated
We talked for hour 'sz &+ neither one was aqqravarted
Traded speech for time and we were both discombobulated
But we learned to live &&+ let die but we were medically still tainted
We were in love dhen, two younq soul 'sz wihd no motive
We wanted to fill dha void 'sz with no commotion'
Introduced her to well rounded shown emotion
She was so quiet &+ she was never open
2 year relationship dhat she suffered dha pain from
I cant disspell her name, but yall dont know her
Sometime 'sz i wanna admit i had love for her
But sometime 'sz i wrestled did ihd exist
"Dear Diary" ( Solitary ]
Dear diary, i cant jus keep this inside of me
I rather conversate with dha paqe privately
Maybe ihd 'sz mhy mood, far as i can see
Really no point in havin this mind wihd me
Fed ohff dha audacity to care about other 'sz
When misery love 'sz company, but company dont comfort comfortably
Naw, sometime 'sz i dont feel prepared to intake a relationship
Cus yhue have to relate to dha relative part of dha relationship
Like, she still call 'sz and i receive her emotion 'sz
As ihf we ;re not toqether but ihd kill 'sz her knowin
Mislead dha powerful heart strinq 'sz inbetween
But i had to fill dha void ohf when mhy ex chick left -
I tried to find comfort in dha arm 'sz of another qirl
But i wasnt even over Rose, new qirl had what was left
Dedicated mhy heart to dha ultimate individual
In which when i lost her took toll 'sz on mhy physical
Mislead mhy mental and decimated mhy third eye
Tryna leep peace between self and mhy mental
Chick 'sz think ihm on qame 'sz when i dont call dhey fone
But ihd 'sz not tryna play yhue or treat ihd like sport
At one point i thouqht i did ihd cus i was bored
Dhat was a lie, i only did id cus i qrew paranoid
So much pain, but ppl expect me to share this with a family
Usually i dont do ihd or better off never cared
Id 'sz like a fantasy discussin what 'sz qoin on in mhy life
Ihd was somethin about me beinq distant from dha rest of dha world
But ihd was heavily contributed to mhy pride
There were time 'sz i qrew suicidal and felt entitled to die
Where ihm from, yhue do dhat before yhue 're entitled to cry
At time 'sz, i used to beq for psychiatric assistance
But i didn 't open uhp to dhem, so dhey had chosen to dismiss him
So hard to witness mhy brother succeed
When he oriqinally sacrificed shid to witness mhy dream
Dha irony of dhat is he made ihd before i did
And i felt cheated., so i cried on some hiqh shid
He became dha victor, i became dha victim
I became hurt dhoe, i became vindictive
He became better off and i didn 't even lie to him
I was hopin he would hate me
He killed me with kindness
I suffered dha loss and i bathe in 3 casket 'sz
One for me, myself &+ i and dhat was so challenqin
Knowin i had love from ppl i didnt know
Was dha best and most beautifl thinq i ever known
When dha blind lead dha blind it 'sz so hard to see straight
But when yhue open uhp ya eye 'sz, yhue see everything yhue hate
Yhue realize ya fate has came to an untimely conclusion
And yhue sittin there feelin so out of place or useless
All this love i qive, in dha end i look stupid
Sacrificin myself for ppl who dont kno what to do wihd ihd.
All subjuqated and overrated at a time
I was udnerrated when ihd came to relayin dhat i was fine
When people were concerned abt dha imaqe i would uphold
I would break down, knowin i loved dha victim role
But i was born in id, i enjoy bein bred there
Yet i do hate dha fact dhat no one else was never slept here
Chillin in mhy bed tryna think abt dha next yr
Knowin i could suffer dha pain before ihm left there
Darian is dope and i would do nothin to hurt her
But maybe ihm not dha one and we could quote ihd
I qot so many problem 'sz and addiction 'sz
Offbased prescription 'sz - As much as i write now, i think mhy heart aint even listenin
I write dha most ill shid ever to qrace page 'sz
Only to save face from syain shid like i hate yhue
This isnt an issue jus thinq 'sz i cant conquer
Lost one ohf mhyn brother 'sz to this music and ihd 'sz promised
I will hate, but i try and conqratulate him
He wanna take me wihd him, but mhy pride aint in concession
Im better off cryin and bitchin in depression
Cus dhat 'sz all i know best -
Yea,. dont even pick uhp dha fone for mhy sister anymore mhy niqqa
Cus i dont wanna conversate to her abt a niqqa feelinq 'sz
I dont even wanna hear mhy brother damn name
Cus dha more ihm subdued is dha more i feel chained
Ihd 'sz dha more i feel hurt and dha more i feel ashamed
As ihf ihd 'sz mhy fault thinq 'sz happen and thinq 'sz dont chanqe
But yo, i still smoke ciqarrette 'sz at random
I do ihd cus nicotine aside from God understand 'sz him
I dont even really freakin pray no more
I mean i do, but only when i cant take ihd no more
I tell ppl imma pray for em, dhen i never do id
I fiqure if i tell em, God 'sz qon qo ahead and excuse id
Yet, ihm still writin how much i hate yhue on exclusive
Odd 'sz is still aqainst me and i feel stupid
I feel liek i dont have one soul here
But i qrown not to qive a fuhk or even care
Talk to em,....
- Sage. !
I rather conversate with dha paqe privately
Maybe ihd 'sz mhy mood, far as i can see
Really no point in havin this mind wihd me
Fed ohff dha audacity to care about other 'sz
When misery love 'sz company, but company dont comfort comfortably
Naw, sometime 'sz i dont feel prepared to intake a relationship
Cus yhue have to relate to dha relative part of dha relationship
Like, she still call 'sz and i receive her emotion 'sz
As ihf we ;re not toqether but ihd kill 'sz her knowin
Mislead dha powerful heart strinq 'sz inbetween
But i had to fill dha void ohf when mhy ex chick left -
I tried to find comfort in dha arm 'sz of another qirl
But i wasnt even over Rose, new qirl had what was left
Dedicated mhy heart to dha ultimate individual
In which when i lost her took toll 'sz on mhy physical
Mislead mhy mental and decimated mhy third eye
Tryna leep peace between self and mhy mental
Chick 'sz think ihm on qame 'sz when i dont call dhey fone
But ihd 'sz not tryna play yhue or treat ihd like sport
At one point i thouqht i did ihd cus i was bored
Dhat was a lie, i only did id cus i qrew paranoid
So much pain, but ppl expect me to share this with a family
Usually i dont do ihd or better off never cared
Id 'sz like a fantasy discussin what 'sz qoin on in mhy life
Ihd was somethin about me beinq distant from dha rest of dha world
But ihd was heavily contributed to mhy pride
There were time 'sz i qrew suicidal and felt entitled to die
Where ihm from, yhue do dhat before yhue 're entitled to cry
At time 'sz, i used to beq for psychiatric assistance
But i didn 't open uhp to dhem, so dhey had chosen to dismiss him
So hard to witness mhy brother succeed
When he oriqinally sacrificed shid to witness mhy dream
Dha irony of dhat is he made ihd before i did
And i felt cheated., so i cried on some hiqh shid
He became dha victor, i became dha victim
I became hurt dhoe, i became vindictive
He became better off and i didn 't even lie to him
I was hopin he would hate me
He killed me with kindness
I suffered dha loss and i bathe in 3 casket 'sz
One for me, myself &+ i and dhat was so challenqin
Knowin i had love from ppl i didnt know
Was dha best and most beautifl thinq i ever known
When dha blind lead dha blind it 'sz so hard to see straight
But when yhue open uhp ya eye 'sz, yhue see everything yhue hate
Yhue realize ya fate has came to an untimely conclusion
And yhue sittin there feelin so out of place or useless
All this love i qive, in dha end i look stupid
Sacrificin myself for ppl who dont kno what to do wihd ihd.
All subjuqated and overrated at a time
I was udnerrated when ihd came to relayin dhat i was fine
When people were concerned abt dha imaqe i would uphold
I would break down, knowin i loved dha victim role
But i was born in id, i enjoy bein bred there
Yet i do hate dha fact dhat no one else was never slept here
Chillin in mhy bed tryna think abt dha next yr
Knowin i could suffer dha pain before ihm left there
Darian is dope and i would do nothin to hurt her
But maybe ihm not dha one and we could quote ihd
I qot so many problem 'sz and addiction 'sz
Offbased prescription 'sz - As much as i write now, i think mhy heart aint even listenin
I write dha most ill shid ever to qrace page 'sz
Only to save face from syain shid like i hate yhue
This isnt an issue jus thinq 'sz i cant conquer
Lost one ohf mhyn brother 'sz to this music and ihd 'sz promised
I will hate, but i try and conqratulate him
He wanna take me wihd him, but mhy pride aint in concession
Im better off cryin and bitchin in depression
Cus dhat 'sz all i know best -
Yea,. dont even pick uhp dha fone for mhy sister anymore mhy niqqa
Cus i dont wanna conversate to her abt a niqqa feelinq 'sz
I dont even wanna hear mhy brother damn name
Cus dha more ihm subdued is dha more i feel chained
Ihd 'sz dha more i feel hurt and dha more i feel ashamed
As ihf ihd 'sz mhy fault thinq 'sz happen and thinq 'sz dont chanqe
But yo, i still smoke ciqarrette 'sz at random
I do ihd cus nicotine aside from God understand 'sz him
I dont even really freakin pray no more
I mean i do, but only when i cant take ihd no more
I tell ppl imma pray for em, dhen i never do id
I fiqure if i tell em, God 'sz qon qo ahead and excuse id
Yet, ihm still writin how much i hate yhue on exclusive
Odd 'sz is still aqainst me and i feel stupid
I feel liek i dont have one soul here
But i qrown not to qive a fuhk or even care
Talk to em,....
- Sage. !
Newest blog contributer!
What's good, people? My name is Devon Starving Artist Ginn, aka Noved!
I run a blog that chronicles my journey as an artist @
Sage is the dopest local emcee I know
He reps New Jersey, but we're both stuck here in Indianapolis
I'll make some consistent updates on fashion trends a pop culture, and local artist that I think are dope... maybe some big names, but not too often
I'm a poet, actor, and cultural activist
I'm in school struggling to find a balance logic and faith... it's not working out to well
I'll make some posts later, but if you want more personal posts, hit up the blog I share with my photographer at the link above
Life and love to everyone
Until next time
I run a blog that chronicles my journey as an artist @
Sage is the dopest local emcee I know
He reps New Jersey, but we're both stuck here in Indianapolis
I'll make some consistent updates on fashion trends a pop culture, and local artist that I think are dope... maybe some big names, but not too often
I'm a poet, actor, and cultural activist
I'm in school struggling to find a balance logic and faith... it's not working out to well
I'll make some posts later, but if you want more personal posts, hit up the blog I share with my photographer at the link above
Life and love to everyone
Until next time
Saturday, October 10, 2009
R. Crumb. ! ! ! ! !( fav UNDERGROUND artist. ! ! ! ]
R. Crumb at one point was my inspiration to do art and create fantastic ill picture'sz, irony beinq i almost qave up dha lifestyle of a pencil and sketchpad and traded ihd all en for a pen and pad to create equally if not ill rhyme 'sz. Normally, people ask me what qoes on in mhy head or what do i see when i pen down some of dha illest poem 'sz/bar 'sz ever produced from one of dha illest ( aside from Noved &+ Damarius ] mind 'sz ever created, so this is basically what occur 'sz. ! (^_^)
Friday, October 9, 2009
"Give Ya" - Drake ft. Trey Songz
iN truth to dha world in which i inhabit here on BlogSpot, i am NOT a huqe Drake fan to say dha least, Drake is dope, well, OLD Drake, not new Drake, so ihf i post anythinq Drake related on this bitch, likelyhood ihd stand 'sz as dha old Drake (i.e. Comeback Season., Room for Improvement or just some ill R&B shid he happen 'sz to drop here and there] so enjoi world, iHave loqo idea 'sz to come uhp wihd, AVO. ! ! ! ! ! ! shoutout to Noved btw, much luhv, brother. !
Yea....I remember when we sat there under dha liqht. . . .
Yea. . . . dha liqht
I remember we were accustomed to dha fluorescent liqhtinq of her soul leadinq us both astray to fountain 'sz ohf youth seminar 'sz and bunk bed based affection, with an affliction for conflicted war 'sz in which we both lead armie 'sz of pharoah 'sz, kinq 'sz and a few select whore 'sz from a beautiful brothel in our imaqination. iMiss dhat one niqht we hunq out inside your mom 'sz eyelid 'sz, us bathinq in dha star 'sz in which her pupil 'sz dilated so much in term 'sz of dha moral deficiency dhat mhy 6 earrinq 'sz displayed and her conceivin dha "My little girl is too young to..." speech she would wield with this shield of black horsed self-riqhteousness, which made us both lauqh. I remember we sat on top of a moonlit tonque rinq, so everytime our lip 'sz would imprenate each other 'sz mind 'sz, we would imbue(bathe] in each other 'sz mental water and had dha nerve to try and cleanse our soul 'sz wihd id, id was beautfil but so aqonizinq to watch yhue try &+ drink ihd after. Baby, iStill remember yhue beinq mhy everythinq &+ dhen none, i remember yhue beinq mhy sunliqht when ihd was an abortion on dhat particular liqhtbulb or dha shelter to mhy broken heart until dha foreclosure was closed before 4 and we would be evicted as we were in love. Baby, iLuhv yhuer way. . . . still. ! ihd never chanqed, even dhoe there was a dime piece for every quarter of dha yr which ihf i had a nickel for every penny pinhin person who penned pain throuqh yhuer physical vessel, iWould be dha wishinq well in which yhue wished us both well. ,. . . . but, left because yhuer mother 'sz eyelid 'sz eventually qrew dry and our moonliqht had eventually qrown dim. . . &+ as for dhat sunliqht. ? yea. . .. 9 month 'sz later ihd was born. . . . we called him a New Day.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Right Time For The Right Person
Yo, this be Cencire. Not a huge blogger, but at this moment in life I feel like it's necessary for me to get this out my mind. I'm 19, and I'm tired of talking to numerous females. I want to settle down this early in my life. Knowing the type of person that I am, I feel like it would fulfill me because the rest of the things I do in life, I would have a more "desired" purpose to complete them. It's like when your neighborhood dopeman has a child, then his mindset switches and all his plans goes to being the survival of himself, his child, and making sure that finances is straight for the two (and the occasional girlfriend/babymomma etc). In my case, I feel like if I had a girlfriend that I would be ready to commit my life to, I would have more of a desired drive to do the things in my life. Twice in my life I done had two females who made me feel that way (Where are they now?!?). Unfortunately, they decided to leave. One said I was cheatin' and the other thought that I wasn't making an effort. Let's clarify these situations in the event that they just happen to read this: Ex-Gf #1 - I never cheated on you. She was in the past that never got out because she forced herself in. Ex-Gf #2 - I was making an effort, I just wanted you to enjoy yourself where you were at. {Back to our regularly scheduled program} I just want that one female to wow me over and make me be like damn, I would do anything for her. Somebody tell her to come my direction so we can take over this world. Help create my dynasty. Just make this dream a reality dammit.
ReD&+BlUe=PuRpLe. ! ! ! !
So. . .umm...does anyone remember that one blog abt the whole "I wish upon stars she would understand" thing ? yea, well, welcome to the starry part now. ! So, yesterday niqht on Facebook(which seems like my only entertainment until whatever else pops up] I decided to put one of those real outlandish ignorant statuses like " Where dha bahd yellow/carmel chick 'sz aht. !?!?!? LMAO " don 't know why i chose to laugh after that but it kinda worked out. So after the usual comment 'sz and like 'sz on my statuses as usual and whatever, Brena commented and asked me "Can I Call u |P.Y.T.|" (is it considered stalking if i remember her txt signature.? no. ? i figured] yall know me, i said yes as calmly and collected as possible, dont wanna come off as if i was anticipating this call from her since the break up even happend. No call though, that was the thing, but then i took into consideration she probaly went to sleep after all that or was too fearful to call a niqqa, but now im anxious but im not anxious. I wanna know what 'sz the topic of discussion gonna be, last time i heard, she was being childish toward 'sz Darian(friend of mine who happens to like me and vice versa, but cant go out due to relationshipdom] and giving her the "iWould appreciate it if you backed the fuck up off mine, even though we not together, he still my niqqa" look, so i kinda laughed it off, but none of it really hit me until last night. I sat there and put my mind in a slow place, excavated thought and shallow beverages eased me for as long as i was able to suffice the need for a cigarette. I always get the question from Cencire (] or Monday (] "Do you wanna be back with her. ?" i always respond as vague as possible because, that'sz something that you can't up and answer right away without thinking abt the possibility of this being what you truely desired. I dont miss Sabrena like i did in the early stages of the deteriorated relationship, we didn 't speak anymore, we didn 't attempt to contact each other and it was like, fuck it, no real need to follow up on a break up that had nothing to really do with us at all and even so, we were tricked, but it didn 't help when i qet told by my homie, Future, that she was raving on about some new niqqa three day'sz later, weird., huh. ? only goes to show she was willin to settle for less cus dha best and her weren 't on term 'sz of trading tongue battle. As my mind raced to the finish line, i saw the tape starting to deteriorate into minerals of dust, because i noticed, neither one of us truely won. I wanted to be with her, couldn 't be at that time and tried to find sub 'sz for Mrz. Sosa at that time, i dont know abt her cus i wanna say she didn 't know what to do either, but im taking it as if she realized i was really "Mr. Right" all along anyway, like i was here and was prepared to surrender all the games and let go of all the numbers that were thrown at me as i would arrive at random places of grandeur in a Maybach or Phantom GT,. step out sharp with the whole AVO and watch the women flock(okay, not really, but you see where im tryna go with this]. Sabrena Rose was dope to me, she still is in her own way, the tweet'sz i created abt her(damn 140 characters] to now, the blog that officially came from the horses mouth, do i still love Sabrena. ? yea,. we 're gonna say that, in love. ? different story, but wouldn 't mind tryna find a way to re-enter that zone we were once in for that week in time, not all i have to do is wait for that phone call,. but something in my mind tell'sz me that this might be dha actual REAL thing we 're qonna discuss, as long as we're able to discuss it and put it in the open, we 'll do well, i feel somethin beautiful comin, please tell me im right.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"Be Alright"- Foreign Exchange
Ohkay world, this is dedicated to my brother, Cencire, for all dhat bullshit he put up with with crazy girlfriend 'sz, decapitated aunt 'sz, lackluster people who often depend on dhat niqqa for dha most meticulous shit and also for puttin up wit dha simple fact his twin is crazy(also sexy] as fuck, but without me niqqa yhue jus be another water buffalo bout to qet pounced on by a crazy demonstration of cutter 'sz. ! enjoy ya'll. ! ! ! !
Keep The Faith, never let no one tell you you can 't achieve cus only YOU set your boundaries and standard'sz, you can do anything in this world within reason, even reach the star 'sz. (^_^)
Keep The Faith, never let no one tell you you can 't achieve cus only YOU set your boundaries and standard'sz, you can do anything in this world within reason, even reach the star 'sz. (^_^)
" We aint no fuckin backup dancer 'sz for NO niqqa. ! ! ! "
UGH. ! iiqht,. Cencire brouqht uhp a statement yesterday to me dhat wasn 't outlandishly womp womp, just i quess ventinq. ! BoyEarly Productions( labeled we 're CURRENTLY aliqned with and siqned to ] has a few cool artist on their roster, i.e., Radamez( my niqqa. ! ! ! ], Street Ranga ( don 't personally know him but ohkay ], Jason Bang( some dude i was alleqedely supposed to compete with lyrically, even dhoe son is 24-ishness ] and Dzyne ( CPR. ! ! ! ], there 'sz also LU ( LifeUnda, for those who aint up on the 'Inaguaration' side of underqround hip hop life ]. Iiqht, where is this qoin, ? we were siqned back in April and whatnot, i have yet to release an album due to technical difficultie 'sz with recordinq, family issue 'sz, financial stability, vehicle and lackluster situation 'sz and all that chooses to be a stigma( scar or birthmark ] on our careers ( we 're mad young btw ] so dha question is, WHAT DHA FUCK ARE WE ON THIS BITCH FOR. !?!??!?! ohkay, this is really Cen 'sz question, he produces a majority of all of my music ( only cus i cant find another producer nowhere lol jk ] including my "4 Walls" imprint ( Which drops NO time soon btw ]. There are four producers on BoyEarly and whatever and him being included, yet he is not being utilized for dha structure of other artist other than me, he make 'sz dope shit but is not being used properly by the label, which in a way for us is fucked up cus he tried to be. His arquement is basically how in dha hell do yhue have another producer with so much talent and youth and power within reach not being utilized for dha purpose of heloing brinqin hip hop back in more way 'sz than one. ? we dont know dha answer to dhat one... YET. ! but as for me ( Sonny Sage Carson bka Astro Boy Jetto Kid ], LU is dha "Heart & Soul"( in Dzyne 'sz word 'sz ] of BoyEarly, he was originally dha younqest until i was siqned, even though he is older by a month and so on and so forth, so dha thinq abt ihd is i was watching a interview wihd Dzyne ( which i will post dha link uhp hella soon ] and he shout 'sz out ALL dha younqin 'sz ( SSD, Ku-Dos, Cammo, TS and whoever else ] BUT doesn 't include Cencire nor Myself for dha matter, even dhoe we BOTH KNOW i can eliminate dha whole fuckin roster by dha time ihm 21, but dhat 'sz not sha point,. our question is what dha fuck. ?? dhey expect a product from me by hopefully Feb, yet dhey cant fuckin recoqnize me or mhy partner in crime/twin brother/best friend/iPod Touch qiver of an individual. ?? personal opinion, i can outsell CPR, yes muthafuckin riqht i said ihd, i will outsell dhgat shit and Brown Baby and Inaguaration, i dont give a fuck. ! i think it 'sz unfair how we really feel cus it come 'sz off to us that we ';re not even apart of this label anymore,. maybe when i drop a product in life, it 'll all chanqe, but i likely wont do it til Sincere drop 'sz "Both Sides of the Track" sometime in 2010, if you dont hear 4Walls from me, expect "Solitude" at least to come out ( mixtape project of dha muthafuckin yr baby,. ! ], but it just seem 'sz weird we 're not qettin our just due and ihd 'sz sad cus our talent is so powerful and potent, id 'sz ridiculous. ! we can be siqned anywhere we want to by the grace of God and we will be dha best at ihd, swear to God we qonna put work in til we qanna leave this qame and even our kid 'sz will take over when we leave, i mean i can understand where dhey 're comin from, but this will have to chanqe, udnerstand yo, my album will chanqe dha look of BoyEarly/LezZyne and on top of that, i KNOW im better than a lot of these niqqa 'sz, Dzyne said my album will be a classic and imma live up to dhat shit, word to dha muthafuckin motherland yhue hear me. !??!?! word to dha muthafuckin motherland. ! ! ! ! !
here ya qo, no slanderinq involved, jus qivin a taste of blahzay blah. !
" Feelinq 'sz toward 'sz *HER. !* "
I wish on star 'sz for her to understand that missin her is the most potent part of my life now. I understand life is life, but life 'sz a b***h and i often look up her dress, so perverted i might be, but this keep'sz me from losin all sanity. I pray to God just to give her a taste of how much love im willing to give back to her if my heart wasnt as fragile as it was, my emotion 'sz become agile and i back up, and removed the sorrow'sz temporarily to move on one more step daily. I think so damn much, yo, in seclusion in my room where im able to let my thouqht 'sz linqer free while i listen to So Far Gone, wishin every song Drake sung was replaced with her emotion 'sz, this s***t sting 'sz me. It 'sz hard going on Facebook and still seeing her page and status update'sz, knowing it wasnt so lonq aqo dhat i was dha topic of her conversation that went something like "Aaron.....Happiness", that 'sz all i heard and all she wanted to know. I hate talking to people about it, when i do it only, create 'sz an abundance of emotion in which my heart became brittle aqain..naw..not brittle, just a lil chipped, this is s***t i will get over, but i just hate dha waitinq process. I feel like a patient anticipatinq AIDS result 'sz in a crowded room full of disease infected peer'sz, yhue jus wanna know dha truth before your hurt and yhue just wanna know dha future before yhue qet past dha past. Man, my brain hurt 'sz from reminiscin on nostalqiac s***t, everytime i see her picture, my upper body qrow'sz numb and hella cold, like i cant feel my heart beat no more, like a qlacier was just set upon me and now i cant imaqine life without her, what im tryna say is this....we're not toqether now, understandable, but yhue cant qo from havinq dha feelinq' sz yhue have for a niqqa one day to f***k yhue dha next day, id wasnt yhuer fault we broke uhp, even dhoe my niqqa tried her hardest to make me realize id was boqus how id happend and i just let id pass by without word 'sz beinq exchanqed or thouqht 'sz beinq spoken. As im writin this now, im movin on in attempt to find someone new and/or better, but id 'sz hurtful in dha same sense to pretend we never were toqether for those day 'sz and didnt promise each other forever. If yhue told me dha truth, God will be leniant toward 'sz us as a whole entity, if yhue lie, s***t,. it only propel 'sz me to be dha best in dha future and dhat me beinq special is actually REAL. I dont anticipate us cominq back toqether no time soon, if id 'sz meant to be, id will occur, until then, i will live my life like dha best person ihm meant to be, there 'sz more people in dha world dhat are willin to accept me and my love, or better yet, just accept a niqqa, i had to write this or i would break down knowin dhat dha facade of me beinq superhuman was a lie and i was hurt..aqain, but a scar dont stop nothin on a vikinq 'sz skin, i wish yhue dha best, God jus qive me strenqht to continue and hopefully in some tiny, tiny way she 'll qet dha qist of this in some way, i 'll be iiqht, dha qreatest suffer early on to become an icon, and iconic is what dha future look like for me, so here we qo, JERZ ! ! !
" Something " - Drake
Yea, personal opinion ( Sonny Sage Carson, bitch. ! ! ! ] sonq is mad ass hot. ! ! ! shoulda been lonqer, but yhue know how shid play out and whatever, but ihd 'sz still hot, make 'sz a niqqa reminisce on all those dream broad 'sz in 8th qrade when i was in dha 6th ... or dhat time i was qettin stared at by dhat sexy ass Kroqer cashier wihd dhat nice ass body and beautiful corn meal complexion and this is totally some shid dhat would make a qeeky ass niqqa anticipate qettin fuhked by dha hottest chick in school only cus she handed him a box of tissue 'sz for his qlasses, anywho yo, ENJOI. ! ! ! (^_^)
" Slow Down " - French Montana.
Friday, October 2, 2009
"Can't Let Her Go" - Little Brother
Video of the day: "Royal Flush" Royce Da 5'9 ft. Canibus & Elzhi
Iiqht, this is today 'sz Video, shit is cold. ! ! ! ! envision Sonny Carson in place of Royce, Sincere in the place of Canibus and Cencire in the place of Elzhi on a mixtape called "The Solitude" which can drop WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY before "4Walls" in Feb. ! anyway, ENJOY. ! (^_^)
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